Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day. And we found some unique ways that you can spread kindness. Check them out and try one or all
Shop with a purpose: Linking your credit card to the Beam app allows you to donate one percent of purchases at sponsoring brands and retailers to charity.
Find a volunteer opportunity using VolunteerMatch
The Blood Donor App alerts you when there’s a shortage or need for your blood type in your area and connects you with local blood drives
Round up with Coin Up. This app lets you choose from 250 charitable causes to round up purchases and donate to through the app, and you’ll even get a tax receipt at the end of the year. You can also set goals and limits for your donations
Leave a kind comment
Text a friend
Download the Karmic app, which will assign you an easy act of kindness everyday
Use the Tab for a Cause browser, which donates to charity for—you guessed it—every tab you open
Check-In for Good lets businesses donate to charity each time you check in, and it’s also a cool way to discover new local eateries and shops
Mentor someone online using FindAMentor or MicroMentor
Get moving! Charity Miles donates to causes for every mile you walk, skip, run, bike, wheelbarrow-race, roller skate—you get the picture. (You can compound the charitable donations if you use this on a charity-sponsored marathon of some kind!)
Email a thank you to someone who’s made a difference in your life
Download the Kindness App to inspire you to warm someone else’s day throughout everyday
Help a blind or visually-impaired person with Be My Eyes. The app lets you video chat with someone who may need help checking an expiration date, putting an outfit together or some other small task we take for granted everyday
Share the Meal lets you donate to fight world hunger through the United Nations World Food Programme. Tapping the app on your phone will donate 50 cents, which can feed a child for a day
Share or re-post a friend’s cause or business
Using your Starbucks app? Secretly pay for the next person in line or leave your barista a little more generous tip
The Pay It Forward App connects you with convenient ways to do acts of kindness in your community everyday
Meeting a friend for dinner? Put your phone away
Share the love with a selfie (or a pic of your pet, sunset heart hands, whatever) with Donate a Photo. The app, sponsored by Johnson & Johnson, donates $1 to selected causes for every pic sent to its site
Now go be kind! And show the world that change starts with you!

The Erimish Gang